The promotion of initiatives to further support European shipping in order to address the fierce international competition and the current geopolitical challenges, as well as the exploration of ways to strengthen the environmental sustainability of the maritime sector with global measures, were the main topics of discussion during the 8th Informal Tripartite Ministerial Meeting on maritime issues among Greece, Cyprus and Malta hosted by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Mr. Christos Stylianides.
During the meeting held on Friday 3.11.2023, at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy in Piraeus, Cyprus and Malta were represented by official delegations headed respectively by the Deputy Minister of Shipping of the Republic of Cyprus Ms. Marina Hatzimanoli and the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Works of Malta, Dr. Aaron Farrugia.
The three Ministers had the opportunity to exchange views on the possibilities to further enhance their cooperation in the field of maritime transport, both at the European and IMO level. They also agreed to widen their cooperation to include other European countries which also have a special interest in the shipping sector.
They also discussed their priorities regarding the recent EU legislative packages "Fit for 55" and the Maritime Safety Package, which modernizes EU rules on maritime safety and prevent water pollution from ships.
At the same time, the Ministers of Greece, Cyprus and Malta had the opportunity to reconfirm their common objective regarding the need to apply uniform global maritime rules -through the IMO, which is the only UN organization that can adopt such measures. The three Ministers also expressed their active support to the critical institutional role of IMO in regulating all matters relating to international shipping, including issues relating to the protection of the marine environment and the related technological developments in the shipping sector.